Let’s talk money today! Most aspirants look forward to settling abroad or attaining a higher education degree from the leading countries. You are about in the right place since the Australian Government has made your dreams more accessible. Let us proceed with the detailing.
The Root of the Issue

Let’s get on with some statistics. According to the current needs of Australia, it has been proven that, as expected, a labor force of 13,558,400 have joined the workforce. Still, a fraction of the required portion has been covered because only 66.4% graduates have been able to take part in this venture successfully. Now, have you ever thought about what happens to the rest of the 473,600 individuals? In reality, a widespread phenomenon nowadays, one could just look around and notice thousands of skilled and graduated employees serving us at restaurants or taking our laundry. This is solely the situation in July 2022. We would leave it to you to imagine the extent of the issue. This is precisely the problem the Australian industry wishes to eradicate with its latest undertaken exercise.

This action is a preliminary step towards persuading more international students to embark on permanent employment options, however with exceptions in sectors such as Nursing, Teaching, Engineering, and IT. Similarly, it has been made for five years for Master’s graduates and six for PhD international aspirants. Here comes the best part, for an Undergraduate student, the allowed time frame would be a maximum of four years. The above mentioned changes will be up for review next year’s June. Thus we would definitely advise you to get in line earlier.

To widen the incentives for the youth to consider Australia as their second home, the Australian Government has applied several techniques to attract the attention of the masses. It has been brought to their attention that affordable housing is one of the driving factors behind students’ choices. As a result, the government has disbursed $575 MOF capital in this sector, a step created for inexpensive accommodation for the international community.
Why Should the Youth Have all the Fun?

They have arranged some enticing incentives to encourage the elderly into the current decelerating condition of the Australian workforce. Illustrating an example, in addition to their $7800 monthly income, they would be eligible to earn $80 per week and a $4000 income tax credit. Last but not least, pensioners would also be able to reapply for their concession cards in case of unanticipated circumstances. There you go; growing old in Australia just added to your bucket list this summer!
More for You

In case you’re a temporary worker in Australia, we also have some good news for you. According to Australian Government sources, the restrictions placed on the temporary workers are to be lifted until next year, June, along with the elevation of payment placed upon the category of ‘temporary skilled migration.’ Furthermore, the government has ensured and carefully addressed the deduction of waiting times for visa arrival and unclogged the current backlog supported by detailed data from the Australian Immigration sector.
If this signals you’re waiting for your educational visa to Australia, this is your queue! Australia has opened its arms wide open to the international community and the local community to enhance their aptitude and income. The removal of the limitation of the 40 hours of the work week for internationals has worked in favor. We, at Executive Study Abroad sincerely believe that this will turn out positively for our international student community.